Woodland Opera House - Dance floor classrooms in the City Hall Annex
Fourth & Hope - Van for pick up and delivery of food and daily essential items
Woodland Girls Fastpitch Softball - Scoreboard and sprinkler system
Boy Scouts - New roof on Boy Scout Building
Knights Landing Community Center - Facility repairs and improvements
Pioneer High School - Score board
Yolo Family Services Agency - Office computers for medical record keeping
Yolo Food Bank - Workstation computers for facility expansion
Yolo Hospice - Computer hardware and software for electronic medical records
New Hope Community Development Corporation - Playground structure
Yolo County Foster Youth Services - Tutoring program for foster youth
Woodland Christian School - Classroom technology projectors and equipment
St. John's Retirement Village - Activity Room
Woodland Public Library - Painting and upgrades to the children's library
Woodland Band Boosters - To send WHS band to competition in Austria
Nelson's Grove - Planted trees at Nelson's Grove
Woodland High School - Funds to build the track equipment storage building